The Golden(ing) ChildREN

For those who would like to watch the growth of the Golden(ing) childREN

West Seattle Morning August 7, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — babybellyblog @ 11:02 pm

We are a sight eh?

Thumbs up for chowder

Lu and the new one

Rain makes my hair curly but I sure am happy about it!

This was a little test…I uploaded these using my phone ap and now I’m trying to go in and write and edit….seems to be working…other then that the pictures are REALLY big….hmmmm.

This morning we got up and got out the door to go visit Lori on the West Side for a coffee and walk. Between Lori’s schedule, my schedule and Lake Washington we rarely get to see each other anymore and certainly don’t get to spend the quality time we used to so this was perfect.

We grabbed a coffee and walked down the beach with the girls, Zoe and Blazer (her dog) in tow. After about a hour the rains came and dashed all plans of digging in the sand with our buckets (which turned out to be OK because I forgot dogs aren’t allowed on the beach at Alki). Fiona reminded us that it was lunch time to we stopped for some chowder at Dukes (fitting on a rainy day) and then headed home for some nap time.

Sadly it is hard to fit in quality time with my friends but I feel so fortunate to have good ones that understand. We know that it will get easier as kids get older and more portable…not balancing naps and diapers (probably balancing other things =), talking to Lu was like we hadn’t skipped a beat in our friendship. It makes me happy to see my babes take to them like they’ve known them as long as I have – to know that they will be influenced by such good people.

Life is Good.


One Response to “West Seattle Morning”

  1. Laura Says:

    ah a nice rainy day would be great! So miss that misty stuff in Seattle!! Though I know it might not be exactly what you hoped for that day! 🙂 Love the friendships that always seem to work even when you don’t see each other too much!!!

    Loving these updates and your girlie girls couldn’t be cuter. I hate that we are missing this part of our kids growing up!!!

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