The Golden(ing) ChildREN

For those who would like to watch the growth of the Golden(ing) childREN

She Walks January 10, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — babybellyblog @ 6:28 am

YEAH!!! Finally I feel like I can officially say that little miss Maisie walks! Really I think she took her first steps the day after Christmas when she “walked” from Norma to me…it was more of a falling step then a walk and she wouldn’t repeat it. Since then she’s done several more of those….letting go and falling to something she wanted and moving her feet in the fall. But tonight she let go of what she was holding onto and walked SEVERAL steps to me. Then she repeated it and you could tell from the look on her face that she TOTALLY KNEW this time what she was doing. She was psyched! She did it a few more times….of course NOT for the camera =) I’ll get one in the next few days though for sure!!!

Way to go little nugget. I love the walkers!!!


One Response to “She Walks”

  1. daygray27613 Says:

    hrm….do you know a guy called Lawrence who works in Singapore now? Click

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